Application Procedure
Documents required
- Registration Form
- ECDA Form
- Immunization Record (Copy)
- Any other relevant medical reports (if applicable)
- 1 passport-sized photograph of your child
- Copy of child’s Dependant Pass/ Student Pass (if applicable)
- Transport Request Form (if necessary)
1. The Waitlist applica
2. Within the six (06) month period of being on the Waitlist,
2.1. If a place is offered to the child and the parent completes the Registration process and make the necessary payments as advised by the Parent Liaison Officer within one (01) week,
2.1.1. The Waitlist Fe
2.1.2. The parent will be required to top-up the difference if the Waitlist Fee is lesser than the Registration/Application and/or Enrolment Fee.
2.2. If a place is offered to the child and the parent does not complete the Registration/Application process within one (01) week of the offer, the place will be offered to the next eligible child and the full Waitlist Fee will be forfeited.
2.3. If the parent writes in to withdraw the child’s name from the Waitlist before the six (06) months validity period is over, the full Waitlist Fee will be forfeited.
3. If there is no vacancy available after the six (06) months period, the child automatically stays on the Waitlist for another six (06) months under the same conditions unless specified otherwise by EtonHouse.
3.1. If the parent chooses not to remain on the Waitlist anytime after the first six (06) months, the full Waitlist Fee will be refunded.
3.2. Only a written notification will be accepted by the School should the parent choose to withdraw from the Waitlist.
4. If the school is running a registration fee promotion when (i) the Waitlist Form is submitted or (ii) the placement is accepted, the parent will enjoy the promotion, unless otherwise specified by EtonHouse. The parent will be required to make the necessary payments and the promotion will be offset against the initial school fees. The Terms and Conditions of the promotion remain applicable.

Grace and Michael, Parents of Benjamin and Beverly Armstrong, Zhong Hua
EtonHouse Zhong Hua's immersive Chinese language environment has provided my two children with a strong foundation in Mandarin, fostering not only fluency but also a deep appreciation for Chinese culture. The dedicated teachers nurtured their curiosity and love of learning, creating a warm and supportive atmosphere that allowed them to thrive academically and socially during their crucial early education years. Read more here

Shiying and Dayne, Parents of Hailey Ho, Zhong Hua
One thing that stands out about EtonHouse Zhong Hua is the continuity and consistency of the teachers and management. This provides a stable environment which we feel is important for a young child. We also appreciate the regular communication from the school — whether it's updates, parent-teacher meetings, or events that allow us to be involved in Hailey's education. Seeing her come home each day with joy in her eyes and endless chatter about her day reassures us that we made the right choice. Read more here

Tiffany & Wee Kee, Parents of Myra Chew You Ning, Zhong Hua
Our foremost reason for sending both our children to EtonHouse ZhongHua is solely for the Full Mandarin Immersion Programme. As we do not speak Mandarin regularly at home, we really appreciate that the curriculum is delivered entirely in Mandarin by native Mandarin-speaking teachers from China, Taiwan and Singapore, and we firmly believe that this is the best way for children to use and love the language which is not the easiest of languages to pick up. Read more here