Munia strongly believes that children possess the inherent potential, curiosity and interest in engaging in social interaction, establishing relationships, constructing their learning and negotiating everything that the environment brings to them. As a leader, Munia firmly believes in the “pedagogy of listening”, the openness and sensitivity to listen and be listened to.
Munia is passionate about inquiry-based learning. She believes that inquiry is best situated within a “cultural perspective” that sees a child as a competent and capable learner, an adult as a skilful facilitator and co-researcher, and the curriculum as fluid and flexible. She has attended multiple Reggio Emilia conferences and workshops in Singapore as well as study tours directly at Reggio Emilia, Italy, to experience their best practices.
Munia believes in a programme that incorporates both child-initiated and adult-supported experiences, in which children are allowed the time and space to learn at their own pace by providing opportunities to observe, question, experiment and explore in a caring, safe and supportive environment.
Together with the team, Munia looks forward to providing a rich, holistic, and quality early childhood programme at EtonHouse Vanda.