Keane Family

We’ve been living in Singapore for seven years and Rowan has attended EtonHouse the whole time, transitioning from the Broadrick campus IB Primary years programme to the Orchard campus. The school also offers the International A levels pathway; very few international schools in Singapore provide this alternative to the IB Diploma.
High academic standards are expected at EtonHouse and the students get every assistance to help them reach their potential. When you combine their incredible teachers with smaller class sizes, you get an excellent focused education. The children are always stepping up to new challenges.
Their location at the top of Orchard Road provides transport connections and a new MRT line. Being in the city centre is also exciting for the children. It could mean a short walk to the Botanic Gardens for an interactive class or for the older students to leave the campus and enjoy lunch options nearby. Lovely memories are often created this way.
There’s continuous investments in facilities too. The latest addition is a recreation and play zone nestled among the adjacent black-and-white houses. Sports are varied with lots of different options.
We would particularly like to highlight the school’s strong ethos, which develops the students in a caring and interested way. There’s a really friendly atmosphere and the children are happy.
If you’re looking for a friendly school where your child will be happy and get a great education right in the heart of the city, then this is the place to consider.
Emer and John Keane, Irish; Parents of Rowan (Year 9) – 2024
Hagiwara Family

We moved from Tokyo, Japan to Singapore in October 2021, at a time when travel and immigration was very limited. Both our sons joined EtonHouse Orchard a month later. Shota is currently in Year 5 and Seiji is in Year 2.
When we were still in Japan, we searched for a school. We discovered that it was standard for kids living in Singapore to go to school by school bus. However, we preferred a school nearby and hoped to have frequent communication with the teachers, school staff and other parents. EtonHouse Orchard was the right location and school size for our sons.
One of the things we’ve found wonderful at the school is that kids have opportunities to learn not only Singapore culture but also other countries’ cultures. For example, one of the memorable events for us was the art festival in March this year, where Misho presented the Japanese green tea culture. Henna art in Deepavali was another memorable event.
Together with our kids, we learned how students at EtonHouse Orchard learn and experience other countries’ cultures. We would definitely recommend EtonHouse to other families. The heartwarming atmosphere of the Orchard campus and one class for each year with small student numbers makes it possible to have close communication between parents, teachers and students.
Misho and Masayoshi Hagiwara, Japan; Parents of Shota (Year 5) and Seiji (Year 2) – 2023
Tajimi family
Two months has passed since our children began Primary school at EtonHouse International School @ Orchard.
In Japan, my daughter would be in Year 6 and her younger brother would be in the final year of nursery school. However, here in Singapore, my son is in Year 2. When my son returned home after his first day of school, he was feeling very hungry because he did not know how to say ‘more please’, during lunch time. Today, his English has improved and and he able to say besides ‘more please!’, during lunch time. The classroom teachers sends Seesaw messages to parents to show pictures and videos of kids in the classroom. It is a lovely and helpful tool for understanding what they are learning at school.
The primary students also visited Singapore Science Center at the beginning of their 2nd term. After the school excursion, the Year 6 students learn how work to help people’s lives convenient. Their recent homework is to design and create a that would help solve a . My daughter made a “book stand” that was a to solve a , because her hands get tired when she lies down and read books. It is a priceless opportunity for kids to learn the “process of study”, to find out the problem, to brainstorm how to solve it, to design a machine to solve the problem, to create the machine and to reflect how to make it better. This process is otherwise known as design thinking.
I like the comprehensive or interdisciplinary study style used in EtonHouse International School @ Orchard. The curriculum is planned to integrate science, social studies, math, language and art. For example, “human rights” was the theme in the first term and Year 6 students read stories about refugees, watched photo collections, made dioramas. The annual plan of study include themes on religion, faith and culture. I am happy to be a part of EtonHouse International School @ Orchard.
EtonHouse International School Orchard校のプライマリー(小学部)に通い始めて2ヶ月と少しが経ちます。学校を選ぶ時に重視したのは、少人数であることと、自由な空気の中で自主的な学びを応援する環境です。お姉ちゃんがYear6で弟がYear2のクラスで奮闘しています。下の子は日本では保育園の年長さんでした。Etonhouseの初日、英語で何と言っておかわりをもらったらいいのかわからずペコペコで帰宅しましたがmore please!から始まって、少しずつ英語の単語を発するようになってきました。日々彼のコップに水が注がれているのかなと思います。
Year6の今学期のテーマは〈機械〉の働きです。校外学習でscience centerに出かけた後、人々の生活を便利にしてくれる〈機械〉にはどんなものがあり、どのように作られるかなどを学んでいます。〈問題〉を見つけてそれを解決する〈機械〉を設計して作ってくるという課題では、本たてを作りました。寝転がって本を読む時に本を持ってると手が疲れるよという〈問題〉を解決してくれる〈機械〉です。何が問題か、どうすれば解決するか、解決のための機械はどのような形にしたらいいか考え、設計図を描き、材料を調達し、組み立てて、どのようにすればもっとよくなるか考察します。
図工と理科・社会や科学的論理的な考察などがすべて一体となった授業構成が特徴的です。1学期は、human rightsに関する学習で難民についての物語を読み、写真集を見て、ジオラマを作りました。年間の計画表を見ると、宗教や信仰、文化をテーマに学習する学期もあって、シンガポールらしいな、と思いました。
Kentaro and Miho Tajimi, Japan; Parents of Tamaki (Year 6, IGCSE) and Itsuki (Year 2, IB PYP) – 2018
Christmas family

EtonHouse provides immense support in nurturing creativity, independence and confidence in every child’s learning journey. The sense of community and diversity is a distinctive quality that offers our children the opportunity to gain insight into the cultures of their peers.
I particularly appreciate the school’s regular communication with parents. Also, with the open-door policy, it’s easier for us to get to know our children’s teachers and the other caring and approachable staff. My children enjoy excursions, which help them question, investigate and understand the world. Through various activities at a recent camp in Bintan, my child had the opportunity to demonstrate the different life skills she learnt throughout her years at EtonHouse
Jumna and Lenore Christmas, British; Parents of Jaelyn (Year 6) and Caleb (Year 3)
The Jones family

When the school year started, my husband and myself, had no idea just how much our children were going to love EtonHouse. From the first day onward, they were both so excited to go to school. Even on the weekends, they would wake up asking if they could go to school. It is now our second semester and they still have that same atitude.
EtonHouse is different from anything we have ever experienced. There is community and camaraderie among the teachers, the staff, and the parents; unlike anything we have ever personally experienced. There are so many ways to get involved and be active and there is no limit to the creativity that flows through the halls and classrooms. It is such a fun place!
My children are learning so fast, how to do things that weren’t even introduced to me at their ages when I was a child. My daughter (7) reads fluently, loves learning Mandarin Chinese, as well as, being able to speak it with perfect annunciation, and she is thriving. I love seeing her become this precious little human who cares about the world around her and how she can make it better. My son (5) has gained confidence by leaps and bounds, all because he has the perfect teacher and teacher’s assistant who take the time to know him, know his needs, and teach him the way that they know he will learn best.
I cannot say enough about EtonHouse. I hope and pray that we will stay in Singapore as long as possible so that we can stay with our family at EtonHouse.
Sid and Mindy Jones, parents Vivien (Year 2) and Sidney (Kindergarten 1) – 2016
Aherne family

Attending EtonHouse International School has given all the children so much. Although the IB programme is different to the English school curriculum, we love the way that our children are now able to take responsibility for their learning and have developed the confidence to present it to their peers.
To ease the transition of moving abroad two years ago, we really wanted all the children to be together in one school. Making the choice from England was very daunting, as we were reliant on websites and phone calls. EtonHouse was able to accommodate us, and the admission staff made the transition very smooth.
The school is friendly and has a warm, family feel. The children are strongly encouraged to be caring and considerate towards one another, and we often see the older children helping the little ones. Because my children are spread throughout the school, they know every teacher and almost every child. They feel secure and totally at home. We feel that the children get a lot of individual attention from their class teachers, who get to know them really well.
Our children all have very different interests. Mary has discovered a real love of Mandarin and has picked up the language from scratch. She was thrilled to be part of the team that won the International Schools Chinese Competition. Beatrice loves PE and drama and really enjoyed performing in the school play, The Wizard of Oz. She trains every week after school in the running club. Florence is very musical and a keen member of the choir, while Frederick is sporty and desperate to make it onto the school’s championship-winning football team.
There is so much going on, and our children come home full of stories about what they are doing, whether it’s preparing for a class assembly, special themed weeks like Book or Science Week, or inter-house competitions.
Francis and Elizabeth Aherne, parents of Mary (Year 6), Beatrice (Year 5), Florence (Year 4) and Frederick (Year 2) – 2014
Source: Expat Living International school in Singapore: HUGE GUIDE 2014
Gonzalez family

When we moved to Singapore from the USA in 2012, we were looking for a small school with a community feel. Many of the schools we looked at were way too big for our young kids. EtonHouse was the only one that checked off all our boxes! In addition to the size, it is a nut-free school (which is important to us because our oldest son has a severe peanut allergy); offers Mandarin four times a week, whereas the other schools we looked at offered it only once or twice a week; and has a broad selection of Extra Curricular Activities (ECA’s); and is located in the East Coast. This school year, the school has begun offering music lessons on-site through an outside vendor.
EtonHouse has been a terrific place for our family. The boys are thriving with the IB curriculum and terrific teachers. EtonHouse is truly a global community and does a great job of celebrating the variety of cultures and their important holidays, including Diwali, Halloween, UN Day, Christmas and, of course, Chinese New Year.
Parents are always welcome at EtonHouse and are encouraged to volunteer in their children’s learning journey. The children get so excited when mom or dad shows up to help out in the classroom or accompanies the class on excursions. The Parent School Association (PSA) allows parents to be involved in the planning and execution of the various celebrations and events at the school.
The leadership at EtonHouse is professional as well as personal. They make it a point to learn the children’s names and to be seen around school throughout the day. The principal and vice principal are not only accessible, but easily approachable and are ready and willing to assist families with their needs and concerns.
Likewise, the staff in the Parent Liaison Office (PLO) are extremely helpful and work hard to ensure that our children’s day runs as smoothly as possible.
We have really enjoyed being part of the EtonHouse family and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great school.
Josh and Michiko Burack, parents of Zack (Year 6) – 2016
Burack family

Zack started at EtonHouse Broadrick back in 2013. One of the main reasons we chose this school was because of the strong Japanese language programme consisting of four lessons every week. Since I am Japanese and my husband is American it was very important that our son keeps up with his Japanese language skills. EtonHouse is the only primary school in Singapore that has a Japanese language program linked with an IB program.
In addition to this we liked that the school respects different nationalities with a large number of cultural events throughout the year.
Zack has always been very enthusiastic to represent the school basketball and football teams, plus participating in various school drama performances.
We would definitely recommend EtonHouse Broadrick. In fact my husband’s colleague’s daughter joined EtonHouse one year ago due to our recommendation
Josh and Michiko Burack, parents of Zack (Year 6) – 2016
Whittred family

James and I were looking for a school that was close to our home, would cater for all of our children and would provide a supportive environment that embraced diversity. We were very fortunate to have friends with children already at EtonHouse; we attended some school events prior to enrolling our own children, thus getting a feel for what was to come.
The task of finding a school for our children, Genevieve (8) and Xavier (5), was made more difficult by Xavier’s diagnosis of autism, but we were delighted when the children were both accepted by EtonHouse.
Genevieve is currently in the Year 3 bilingual class. She loves learning and especially enjoys her time with the specialist teachers at school. She has been given many opportunities to explore outside of the set curriculum, supported by her class teachers. Xavier has been attending ‘big school’ for nearly six months and is showing progress in many areas. Our youngest, Alexander (2) is yet to venture into schooling.
We have been very happy with the levels of support that have been offered by the dedicated staff and love the close community feel that pervades the school’s many celebrations of learning and living.
Mary and James Whittred, Australia; Parents of Genevieve (Year 4), Xavier (Year 1) – 2013
Source: Expat Living, Guide to International Schools, 2013
Pochat-Cottilloux family

My 3 children are all currently attending EtonHouse, and have been for the last 5 or so years. My children collectively have experienced every year group from N2 to Year 6.
I continually support EtonHouse as I continue to feel the passion and support back from all of the teachers there, and the administrative staff. It is a friendly school with a warm heart. Every child is given credit for their uniqueness and differences.
There is a genuine and visible sense of care among classmates and peers which are supported further through the buddying schemes between the different year groups. The teachers really model a fantastic example to the kids of kindness, fairness and responsible caring attitudes.
Whilst the academic performance and support available is excellent, this is not what sets EtonHouse apart as why we choose this International school for our 3 children. The school community and everyone in it make this school a truly happy place, the starting point for effective learning.
Whenever you visit the school you will be greeted with smiling faces, from students, teachers, support staff and admin staff.
I believe very strongly that the shaping of young characters, and young citizens, is taken very seriously at EtonHouse, and in conjunction with my efforts at home, I’m proud of the confident, happy, and caring children returning to me after each school day.
I fully intend to enroll my eldest in the secondary program at EtonHouse, which is another testimony of my faith in placing my children in the educational and social/emotional care of EtonHouse.
Rachel Pochat-Cottilloux, mother of Beatrice (Year 6), Louis (Year 4) and Oscar (Year 2) – 2016
Earsdon family

“EJ has been attending school at the Broadrick Road campus since he was three and a half. He’s now in Year 7 and is part of the first cohort of the school’s senior programme. My mum used to be a school inspector, so I set her to work finding a kindergarten for EJ when she came over to visit for the first time. She looked at a whole host of schools, but we eventually settled on EtonHouse because of the International Baccalaureate curriculum and the fact that it’s just so lovely.
I personally love the school. EJ has attended EtonHouse since he was little, so we’ve had a chance to get to know the faculty along the way, and it’s been great to see him grow in such a warm and welcoming environment. The school always strives to create an inclusive culture that celebrates the diverse traditions of a multi-national population. The school never focuses solely on Western traditions; rather, it celebrates festivals like Hari Raya and Chinese New Year too. Kids are encouraged to explore their own heritage while learning more about the cultural background of their friends and family at the same time.
The new senior school is also a revelation. Because the class is so small, the teacher Mr Ashley is in a unique position to tailor his lessons well. EtonHouse provides a great environment for kids to learn in, offering a host of interesting after-school activities in addition to the standard curriculum. EJ has done everything from rollerblading to fun science courses, and he’s loved every minute of it.
Melinda Earsdon, British; Parent of EJ (Year 7) – 2016
Source: Expat Living: International Schools Mini Guide, May 2016
Tsuboi family

和葉は三年間過ごしたEtonhouse Mountbatten 718を卒業し、ブロードリックに入学しました。
朝の登校から、校長先生をはじめたくさんの先生から、”Good morning,Kazuha”と声をかけてもらい、プレイグランドで、学年関係なく遊ぶことができる朝のプレイタイムはとても楽しいようで、毎日8時すぎには学校に着くようにしているほどです。
Shizue Tsuboi, Japan, Parent of Kazuha (Year 2) – 2017
Ner family

Kimi attends Secondary 1 (Year 7) at the EtonHouse International School. She started in Year 1 and then left towards the end of Year 4 due to our family relocating. She rejoined EtonHouse in Secondary 1 when she returned to Singapore. The staff and teachers at EtonHouse are incredibly professional and dedicated. The school helps us in every way to make Kimi’s campus experience enjoyable. We also often have get-togethers with other parents and their children outside campus. In terms of teaching, the learning is made fun. We like that the school is educating and developing the children holistically, not just for academics.
At the Secondary level, the school has an Outdoor Education programme that Kimi is enjoying very much. This includes a variety of adventure challenges such as orienteering, archery and rock climbing, which has helped test and develop her physical, social and personal skills. She always comes home happy and with many stories to tell. She has gained much confidence and independence through her everyday interactions with teachers and classmates. The school also keeps parents up to date with our children’s progress.
When we arrived in Singapore, we checked out schools in the East area and shortlisted EtonHouse. When we visited the campus, we felt that it was the right school for Kimi. We were very impressed with the school’s values, philosophy, and cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as its solid and well-rounded curriculum. The school is warm and welcoming, focusing on each individual child and their talents. EtonHouse has pushed the boundaries of Kimi’s capabilities while still making it enjoyable for her.
Myra and Keithley Ner, Filipino; Parents of Kimi Alexa (Year 9, IGCSE) – 2018