Application Procedure

Applying at EtonHouse International School can be completed in 3 easy steps. Enrollments are open all year round, depending on availability. 

Complete the Application Form

Complete the Application Form and pay the one-time, non-refundable application fee of $654 (including 9% GST). 

Payment can be made either via bank transfer, cheque or by PayNow.  Click here for further details. 

 Supporting Documentation

In support of your application, please submit the mandatory documentation to complete your registration:

1)    Copy of parent’s passport or Singaporean/PR card, Employment Pass

2)    Copy of the child’s passport or Birth Certificate for Singapore Citizens, Entry Permit for PRs

3)    Copy of student’s latest school report (in English), compulsory for children applying from Year 1 (K2) onwards

4)    Student Reference Form, compulsory for children applying from Year 1 (K2) onwards. This form is to be completed by your current/previous school. Download here.

5)    Copy of student’s most up-to-date immunisation records

*Note: Immunisation against Diphtheria and Measles is compulsory in Singapore. Immunisation records are not required for students aged 12 years and above.

6)    Digital photographs of student and each parent – clear, front-facing, and against a white background

Assessment & Placement Confirmation

We will review all school reports and arrange for a personal interview where necessary to ensure the appropriate year level placement. A mandatory English Language Placement Test is required if:
  • child’s first/native language is not English
  • child has been in a school where the main language of delivery is not English
  • parent requests for language support i.e. English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Following this, an offer letter will be issued confirming your successful application, and an enrolment fee of $2,180 (including 9% GST) will be applicable.

A Priority Placement Rights will act as an instrument to priortise the place of a student into the school.

Placement Rights FAQs

What are Placement Rights?
A PPR will provide a student with waitlist prioritisation subject to meeting admissions requirements and entrance criteria. A PPR will rank the child in front of all other applicants (except staff children) on a waitlist in any year group.

Who can buy them?
Any individual or corporation may purchase a PPR providing the child meets all admissions requirements and entrance criteria.

How much do they cost and what are the entitlements?
Priority Placement Rights cost S$80,000/S$100,000 (excluding GST) and the student will be given priority to join the school.

What are the purchase procedures?
PPR will be issued together with an invoice within 14 days from the date of written confirmation of purchase. At this date, the student’s application will be changed to reflect their new priority. Payment must be made within 30 days from the date of invoice.

What are the terms and conditions of PPR?
If you are interested in purchasing a PPR, please contact our Head of Admissions, Velvette Tay: [email protected]


Parent Testimonial

EtonHouse International School Orchard

10 Tanglin Road, S247908
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