Application Procedure
Documents Required
Upon enrolment, please submit the following forms/documents to the office:
(No. 1, 2 and 3 are available from the admission office)
1. Registration Form
*Ensure to provide an Emergency Contact & the details, any known medical conditions/allergies of the child & any long-term medication taken by the child*To sign at the bottom of both pages
2. Terms and conditions
*To sign at the bottom of every page
3. ECDA Form 1
4. Immunization records copy (Child)
5. Birth certificate copy (Child)
6. Photo of child (student ID card)
Singaporeans/Permanent Residences’ to provide:
1. Parents’ & child’s passport copies
2. Parents’ & child’s NRIC card copies (front & back)
Permanent Residences’ to provide:
1. Parents’ & child’s passport copies
2. Parents’ & child’s ID card copies (front & back)
3. Child’s copy of re-entry permit (stamp on passport)
Expatriates to provide:
1. Parents’ & child’s passport copies
2. Parents’ & child’s employment and/or dependant card copies (front & back)