
Since my earliest memories, the idea of becoming a teacher has held a special place in my heart. Even as a child, I found myself drawn to the role of imparting knowledge and igniting the flames of curiosity in others. The magic of watching a teacher captivate a classroom full of excited learners and seeing their growth, as time went on, fascinated me.

Choosing to become a preschool teacher is my heartfelt decision to become a catalyst for positive change in the lives of young children. Thus, I embarked on my educator’s journey by first pursuing a Diploma in Early Childhood Education at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. The experience widened my views about the profession and made me realize that teaching is not just about conveying facts, but about providing each and every child the opportunity for early education and instilling them with the love for learning. I then chose to pursue my Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Educational Studies and Leadership at Wheelock College because of my unwavering belief in the transformative power of a strong foundation.

Now, with a over 10 years of dedicated service and experience as an educator, in preschools, special needs programs and specialized enrichment programs, I embody a wealth of knowledge and a profound commitment to nurturing young minds. My journey has been marked by a passion for creating engaging learning environments that foster growth, curiosity, and creativity. Through years of hands-on experience, I’ve honed my ability to connect with each child on a personal level, recognizing their unique strengths, needs and true potentials.

Here at Islander, as I embrace the principles of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, the Reggio Emilia approach resonates deeply with my pedagogical values. I recognize each child as a capable and active participant in their own learning journey and view the environment as a third teacher while carefully designing engaging and inspiring spaces that invite exploration and spark imagination. Guided by the philosophy, I will continue to strive to cultivate a dynamic learning community where children are empowered to express themselves, construct knowledge, and develop a lifelong passion for learning.



我希望能在Islander 继续培养幼儿学习华文的兴趣,使他们被这美妙的语言熏陶。


Jessie is an impassioned early childhood educator with a lifelong dream of shaping young minds and fostering a love for learning. From the early days of her youth, teaching beckoned her at a preschool catalysed the journey into the realm of early childhood education.

Fuelling Jessie’s passion even further was a burgeoning interest in addressing the diverse needs of children. This curiosity propelled her toward a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood with Psychology, at the Singapore University of Social Science. Armed with this comprehensive knowledge, she embarked on a mission to not only comprehend child development but also to unravel the intricate tapestry of human psychology, enhancing her ability to connect with and understand each child on a profound level.

In Islander, the Reggio Emilia principles come to life as children engage in open-ended inquiries, fostering their innate curiosity and encouraging them to explore their interests. Jessie will act as a guide and collaborator in this process, recognizing the importance of co-construction – a dynamic interplay between educators, children, and the environment. Through carefully designed provocations and projects, she wants to create an environment that encourages children to express themselves, promoting the development of their unique voices and identities. By incorporating elements of their own interests and experiences into the learning process, children not only gain knowledge but also build a deep sense of self-awareness and confidence.

The concept of “sense of belonging” is a cornerstone of Jessie’s teaching approach. By fostering a community where every child’s ideas are valued and respected, children develop a strong sense of connection to their peers, educators, and the environment. Through collaborative projects, group discussions, and shared experiences, she ensures that each child feels seen, heard, and understood.

With a fervent dedication to unlocking the potential within each child, Jessie looks forward to building strong partnerships with parents and fostering an environment where every child can flourish as a unique individual.





I believe that a child’s uniqueness and specialness is an integral part of who they are. The early years of a child’s life are important for the development of their individual identities, potentials, and values. In my role as a teacher in the early childhood field, I hope to facilitate the learning process by providing meaningful experiences and opportunities.

As a believer in the Reggio Emilia approach, it is important for children to be active constructors of their own knowledge. They have ‘100 languages’ to express themselves and make sense of the world around them. Additionally, I believe that the Reggio Emilia Approach is consistent with my belief that the environment serves as a ‘third teacher’ that allows children to discover and explore their interests independently. 

At present, I have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood from Monash University and five years of experience in the Early Childhood Industry. These experiences have equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for ensuring children’s learning is of the highest quality. Learning is a life-long journey, and I look forward to learning from families with diverse cultural experiences.

孙于轩老师,来自中国。毕业于天津师范大学,文学学士学位,新加坡NIEC学前教育大专文凭,MOE认证华文戏剧老师。在新加坡幼儿园有18年教学经验。目前在 Islander 担任华文老师。


As a dedicated early childhood educator with 5 years of experience, I find immense joy in not only interacting with young children but also in guiding them through pivotal stages of growth and development. Witnessing the transformative journey of each child under my care is deeply rewarding, serving as a constant reminder of the profound impact educators can have on shaping young minds. Through my years in the field, I’ve come to understand that teaching goes beyond the mere imparting of knowledge; it’s a reciprocal process where both educator and child learn and grow together, drawing inspiration from each other’s experiences, perspectives, and discoveries.

With a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood from Monash University, I possess the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to effectively support children in their learning journey. My education has equipped me with a deep understanding of child development theories, pedagogical approaches, and effective teaching strategies, enabling me to create dynamic and enriching learning environments tailored to the diverse needs and interests of each child.

In alignment with the principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach, I hold a firm belief in the innate curiosity and agency of children as active participants in their learning process. By providing them with a wide range of open-ended materials, hands-on experiences, and opportunities for self-expression, I strive to cultivate an environment that not only stimulates their intellectual curiosity but also nurtures their social-emotional well-being and fosters a genuine passion for lifelong learning.

Islander - Ms Pan Ming He

老师如果孩子是花儿,老师就是阳光!身为一位老师我感到很骄傲。也很荣幸在十年前到今天能在这个行业中一直坚持着自己的初心。我分别在中国和新加坡取得了专业的教师院校的学前教育学历和相关专业的资历。 更加系统的学习了学前教育心理学、课堂教学、环境创设等专业学科。新加坡特殊的双语环境,我又继续进修了国际汉语教学的课程学习。


保持耐心和热情的工作态度。用欣赏的眼光看待每个孩子。以尊重、公平的方式和孩子们沟通。为孩子的思维成长,价值观念、行为习惯。在我的课堂上,利用自己的优势和技能以及经验,为孩子分别从感官、体能、智能、语言情绪、社会交往能力(sensory 、Motor、Intellectual、Linguistic、Emotional、social skill )几大方面给他们快乐轻松的学习环境和语言环境。

Ms. Jaishani has a splendid background of 8 years of early childhood education. She began her journey as an assistant teacher and rose through the ladders to eventually become a senior teacher. In this senior position with her Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood, she found an innate dedication and profound calibre as she worked with many children of varying ages (Infant to K2) over the years. Her strong belief in children’s holistic development through play, exploration, discovery, creativity and imagination to become lifelong learners has beguiled her to the early childhood sector, with resolute determination and purpose.

The philosophy of Jaishani as a teacher is one that emphasizes the significance of building rapport, providing utmost support and the pursuit of knowledge. Ms Jaishani firmly beliefs that in today’s complex society, instilling various important daily life skills and academic skills must be cultivated from the young age as  children absorb everything like sponges from the beginning.  She advocates the principle that each child is an individual who thrives in a positive learning environment that nurtures and provides them with engaging and meaningful experiences. As an educator, she strongly urges that she plays a pivotal role in supporting preschool education to foster children’s social, emotional, and physical well-being in addition to academic development through facilitation, guidance, and scaffolding. 

In Islander, Ms. Jaishani takes pride to perform the role of an Early Childhood Educator selflessly as she adopts the Reggio Emilia Approach.  Drawing on the concept of the approach, she recognises that it allows children to guide their own learning experiences, based on their passions, interests, thoughts, and observations. By aligning the philosophy, she is focused in empowering children to take pride in their education so they have positive experiences in the classroom and are passionate about continuing to learn and explore. To nurture and stimulate children’s learning, she encourages participation in hands-on activities that encourage collaboration and problem solving both inside and outside the classroom, by inquiring into their interests and curiosities in nature, art, books, music and construction. 

Ms. Jaishani eagerly commences her enriching journey, enthusiastically projecting to widen and enhance children’s curiosity to facilitate growth, exploration, observation and findings as she fosters an environment where each child thrive to be life-long learners.


Ms. Kelly boasts an impressive background spanning nearly 9 years (as of 2024) in the Early Childhood industry. Commencing her journey as an assistant teacher, she diligently ascended the ranks to ultimately assume the role of Vice Principal. It was in this elevated capacity that her true passion and expertise found a canvas as she fostered the development of her fellow educators. Her profound conviction in the potential of children as the architects of the world’s future drew her to the industry, with an unwavering belief that the infusion of compassion and warmth is paramount.

As an educator, Ms. Kelly’s philosophy rests upon a foundation of guidance, support, illumination, and exposure. It’s her firm belief that the vital skills requisite for thriving and self-preservation in today’s complex society must be cultivated from an early age. While academic prowess holds its significance, she upholds that the acquisition of life skills is equally indispensable. A proponent of the principle that children most effectively learn through emulation, she places emphasis on modeling behaviors that fortify both confidence and curiosity. This tandem empowerment bolsters their readiness to engage novel challenges and fuels the inherent inquisitiveness driving autonomous exploration.

Grounded in the tenets of the Reggio Emilia approach, Ms. Kelly extends her educational ethos to champion children as resilient, resourceful, and brimming with innate wisdom. By harmonizing this philosophy, she nurtures an environment wherein each child’s preexisting knowledge is celebrated and seamlessly woven into their understanding of the world. The approach’s reverence for diverse forms of expression resonates deeply with Ms. Kelly’s values, propelling her to inspire young minds to communicate through mediums such as art, music, and writing.

With eager anticipation, Ms. Kelly embarks on this enriching voyage, eagerly looking ahead to unravel the intricacies of each child’s unique linguistic realm. Her dedication to fostering an atmosphere of growth, exploration, and self-expression unveils a chapter brimming with promise and opportunity.



With four enriching years of experience in the early childhood education industry, I bring a deep passion for nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning.

I hold a Diploma in Child Psychology and Early Education, laying a solid foundation for understanding the developmental needs of children. Currently, I am pursuing my degree, eager to expand my knowledge and skills to better serve our students and families.

My educational philosophy revolves around the belief that every child is unique and deserving of individualised attention and support. I firmly believe in the power of play as a primary mode of learning and strive to strike a balance between planned activities and child-led exploration.

Incorporating principles from Reggio Emilia, I am passionate about creating a nurturing environment where children are encouraged to express themselves creatively and think critically. Through hands-on experiences and open-ended exploration, I aim to ignite their curiosity and foster a lifelong love for learning.

As an educator, I am committed to continuous growth and professional development. I recognise the importance of staying updated with the latest and best practices in early childhood education to provide the highest quality of care and education for our students.

Lastly, I firmly believe that the collaboration between parents and educators is paramount in nurturing the growth and development of children. By working hand in hand with parents, I can create a supportive environment that extends beyond the walls of the classroom, fostering a strong bond between home and school. This partnership allows to align our efforts, share insights, and collectively address the unique needs and interests of each child.







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