Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar 2024

Term 1: 2nd January 2024 – 8th March 2024

1 January, Monday

New Year’s Day – Public Holiday

2 January, Tuesday

Professional Development & Spring Cleaning Day – Pre-School Closure

3 January, WednesdayFirst Day of School – Term 1
(Staggered entry for PN children and new N1 children)
3 January, WednesdayNew Year Party
22 January, MondayLast day of withdrawal notice accepted for Term 2
2 February, Friday Chinese New Year Celebration 
9 February, Friday Chinese New Year
(Eve of Public Holiday, PM closure at 1pm)
12 February, MondayChinese New Year (off in lieu) – Public Holiday
8 March, FridayLast day of Term 1
8 March, Friday K2 Graduation Photo-taking
11 – 15 March,
Monday – Friday

Holiday Week
(school operating as per usual)

Term 1 Break: 11th March 2024 – 15th March 2024

Term 2: 18th March 2024 – 24th May 2024

18 March, Monday

First Day of School – Term 2

22 March, FridayProfessional Development Day – Pre-School Closure
29 March, FridayGood Friday – Public Holiday
1 April, MondayLast day of withdrawal notice accepted for Term 3
1 April, MondayEaster Celebration
9 April, Tuesday

Hari Raya
(Eve of Public Holiday, PM closure at 1pm)

10 April, WednesdayPublic Holiday – Hari Raya Puasa
11 April, Thursday Hari Raya Celebration
19 April, FridayEarth Day
1 May, WednesdayLabour Day – Public Holiday
22 May, WednesdayVesak Day – Public Holiday
24 May, FridayLast day of Term 2
25 May, SaturdayParent-Teacher Conference
27 May, Monday – 21 June, Friday

Holiday Week
(school operating as per usual)

14 June, FridayDragonboat Festival & Parent’s Day
17 June, MondayHari Raya Haji – Public Holiday 
21 June, FridayK2 Graduation Party

Term 2 Break: 27th May 2024 – 21st June 2024 (Holiday Programme available)

Term 3: 24th June 2024 – 30th August 2024

24 June, MondayFirst day of School – Term 3
8 July, MondayLast day of withdrawal notice accepted for Term 4
19 July, FridayRacial Harmony Celebration
8 August, ThursdayNational Day Celebration
9 August, FridayNational Day – Public Holiday
29 August, ThursdayTeam Building Day – Pre-School Closure
30 August, FridayLast day of Term 3
2 September, MondayTeam Building Day – Pre-School Closure
2 – 6 September,
Monday – Friday

Holiday Week
(school operating as per usual)

Term 3 Break: 2nd September 2024 – 6th September 2024

Term 4: 9th September 2024 – 15th November 2024

9 September, MondayFirst Day of School – Term 4
17 September, TuesdayMid-Autumn Festival Celebration
20 September, FridayProfessional Development Day – Pre-School Closure
23 September, MondayLast day of withdrawal notice accepted for next academic year
3 October, ThursdayChildren’s Day Celebration
4 October, FridayChildren’s Day – Pre-School Closure
30 October, Wednesday

Deepavali Celebration
(Eve of Public Holiday, PM closure at 1pm)

31 October, ThursdayPublic Holiday – Deepavali
1 November, FridayHalloween Celebration
15 November, FridayLast day of Term 4
22 November, FridaySpring Cleaning Day – Pre-School Closure
23 November, SaturdayParent-Teacher Conference
25 November, MondayWellness Day – Pre-School Closure
18 November – 31 December

Holiday Week
(school operating as per usual)

6 December, FridayChristmas Market & Party
24 December, TuesdayEve of Christmas Day
(PM closure at 1pm)
25 December, WednesdayChristmas Day – Public Holiday 
31 December, TuesdayEve of New Year’s Day
(PM closure at 1pm)

End of the Year Break: 18th November 2024 – 31st December 2024 

These dates are accurate at time of publishing but are subject to change and addition.

Academic Year 2024/2025: Tentative start date 3rd January 2025

Click here to download Academic Calendar Year 2024.


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