The Primary Programme
EtonHouse Broadrick has been an accredited ‘IB World School’ since 2007 for the International Baccalaureate ‘Primary Years Programme’ (IBPYP). This programme, designed for students between the ages of 2 to 11 years, is an integrated, transdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on the development of the whole child, encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic welfare.
Our bespoke Primary Scope and Sequence is designed to ensure a smooth progression to IGCSE and International A-Levels in Secondary and High School. The learning objectives for English, Mathematics and Science are aligned to the Cambridge Primary Curriculum and enhanced by including aspects from other globally recognised curricula to ensure an academically rigorous curriculum.
Through the inquiry-based approach, students develop an understanding of key concepts, acquire essential skills and knowledge, develop attributes of the IB Learner Profile, learn to take socially responsible action and become independent learners.
A safe and nurturing environment
Designed to engage our young learners and spark their natural sense of curiosity, our EtonHouse Primary School Curriculum encourages our students to inquire, explore, learn and laugh in a safe and happy environment.
Through the IB PYP programme, we nurture our students natural curiosity to explore and inquire. Our learners engage in individual as well as group research using books, interviews, online research through iPads and computers, excursions, tinkering, creating and a myriad other ways that make learning enjoyable and deep.
Exploring through six units of inquiry
Over the year, children engage in up to six units of inquiry that are considered essential, globally significant, and common to all human experience. They contribute to the common ground that unifies the curriculums of all PYP schools worldwide and create a transdisciplinary framework that covers the disciplines of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, the Arts, Personal, Social and Physical Education in an authentic and relevant context for our young learners.
In Nursery 2 and Year 1, students explore four units of inquiry, and from Year 2 to Year 6, they explore six units of inquiry per year around the following transdisciplinary themes:
- Who We Are
- Where We Are in Place and Time
- How We Express Ourselves
- How the World Works
- How We Organise Ourselves
- How We Share the Planet
A rich and varied curriculum
Our balanced curriculum offers a range of experiences and myriad opportunities to read, write, count, measure, experiment, express and create.
As a pioneer in bilingual education, we are one of the first international schools to offer a Mandarin Immersion Pathway that is aligned to the IB PYP programme. Our award-winning Mandarin Immersion Pathway and additional languages programmes (Mandarin, Hindi, Japanese and English as an Additional Language) provide a rich context for language learning as well as exploration of cultures through the lenses of the language, and provide our students a wonderful opportunity to develop a sense of international mindedness.
The exciting Specialists classes – Physical Education, Art, Music, Library and ICT – aim to support the classroom inquiries and ensure a well-rounded, holistic development for our students.
Concept-based learning
As students begin each year, their teachers will provide you with a Curriculum Overview that outlines the Units of Inquiry and subject content for the year. You will also see that each inquiry employs several of the PYP Key Concepts used to explore the Transdisciplinary Themes. These Key Concepts include; Form, Function, Causation, Change, Connection, Perspective, and Responsibility. In addition to the Key Concepts, each inquiry uses related concepts to further investigate and understand the world around us. By framing our learning through concepts, we support students to see patterns, make connections, view other perspectives and apply their new understandings across different topics, societal issues and Units of Inquiry. For more information about our Units of Inquiry, you can obtain a copy of the school’s ‘Programme of Inquiry’ from the PYP Coordinator.
Building character through a holistic curriculum
Students engage in learning experiences that hone their thinking, social, communication, self-management and research skills throughout their time in the PYP. Our holistic curriculum is aimed towards honing learners to be Inquirers, Risk-Takers, Thinkers, Communicators, Open-Minded, Knowledgeable, Reflective, Caring, Principled and Balanced individuals, who engage actively in the community as responsible citizens in line with the IB Mission statement – The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
For the list of EIS SSG permitted courses, please click here.
Parent Testimonial

Ioanna Nicolaou, Mother of Daphne, Broadrick
We really loved the facilities, the outdoor space the school offers and the super friendly and approachable staff. EtonHouse Broadrick gives students and parents a “family feeling”. Everyone is keen to help, they are so polite and happy. Our daughter joined the bilingual programme and her Mandarin has improved so much. Read more here

Erin and Alexander Phillips, Parents of Penelope and Kai, Broadrick
The school has a lovely “at home” feel while offering a vast and green outdoor area for the kids to play and explore. Classes are sometimes taken outside, which our son enjoys in particular. Another big pull for us was the Japanese language programme, which the school offers as part of the Mainstream Learning curriculum. With familial ties to Japan, we wanted to continue to support their Japanese learning in terms of language and its cultural nuances too. Our children really enjoy their time in this class. Read more here

Amanda Barclay, Mother of Benjamin and Gemma, Broadrick
What we valued the most about the school was the diversity of teachers and their passion for teaching the children. The staff are always around in the morning to greet the children by their names and assist with their arrivals with big smiles on their faces. Our children have formed friendships with children from all over the world. They also love the individual specialist classes, which give children access to a curriculum that’s more than just academic. Read more here
360 Virtual Tour
Take a Virtual Tour of EtonHouse Broadrick
The school is housed in a traditional 4 storey classroom block that accommodates a wide array of facilities to support the holistic development for your child.