
EtonHouse Bus Transport Service

EtonHouse Broadrick is well situated on the East Coast of Singapore and is only about a 15 minute drive from Orchard Road and the City area.   Whilst our school is about a 5 minute walk from the nearest MRT (Dakota) we have partnered with ZhengXingYun Service in providing transport arrangements for our parents from the start of the 2016 academic year.

All ZhengXingYun Service buses are well equipped with seat belts and a ‘bus auntie’ assistant to assist students on to and off the buses and to ensure their safety during their travelling duration.

Parents have the option to choose either a 1-way or 2-way bus services depending on your needs.

Bus Registration

Visit here for more details on the bus registration.


Parent Testimonial

360 Virtual Tour

Take a Virtual Tour of EtonHouse Broadrick

The school is housed in a traditional 4 storey classroom block that accommodates a wide array of facilities to support the holistic development for your child.

EtonHouse Broadrick

51 Broadrick Road, S439501
Visit Us
Get Directions
+65 6346 6922